
Here you can visit, pet and feed our members GifyPets. They would love to make some new friends, so don't hesitate to send me the code to your GifyPet via PM or e-mail ([email protected]). I will display it here with the others! If you don't have a GifyPet yet, you can make one here. For custom pet and background pictures, you can visit the 99gifshop. Make sure to leave some compliments for our lovely GifyPets in the comment section so they will feel loved. Let's grow a nice and big pet club! 

goldencherubys GifyPets:



trippendiculars GifyPet:

Progrumz' GifyPet: 


just fed and petted everyone!!! <333 
frankie is really sweet, i was thinking about getting a watermelon pet too at first :)) just fed her some ice cream